Monday, January 19, 2009


There is so much happening, many events, many new people, news 24/7, cell phones, email, chats, virtual and physical networks, though all of this surrounds me I still feel an, sometimes, overwhelming emptiness, solitude, yes quite frankly I feel alone.
It is odd since the amount of offers, options, electives and alternatives are larger than I ever remember. Its a difficult transition period for me since over the past two months I have found myself and it has become clear to me what matters and what does not. Among my top priorities are contact to my girlfriend, family, relatives and close friends. This means that certain hours are reserved for this, though at the same time my old priorities are still pulling me, things such as internet surfing, youtube, hanging out with school mates. This is all fine seen from my old perspective, but as it no longer correspond with who I am then I am actively pushing down these things on my everyday list in order to make space to what is of higher importance. This is not easier, the whole process of redefining myself come over two months, and now I see my self in a new environment, with new daily activities, in a new time zone, trying to implement the insights I have so painfully gained over the past months.
Nonetheless there is no doubt that the current situation is also an advantage, since with all habits and small everyday things being uprooted it allows for new personal order and life style to succeed the old.
This new order will be documented through regular blogging, frequent contact to those close to me and new ever exceeding goals.

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