Thursday, December 4, 2008

first Doha experience

So now my forst full 24 hours in Doha has comes to an end, this has been a rollercoaster ride. Firstly nervous about the interview with Qatar Airways, secondly relieved about the outcome, then concerned and unhappy the possible choice of leaving all I have to come here. Thirdly, came the reassurance after having been out my department manager and a colleague and lastly came the relaxing and letting go by going out with a drink with Ricardo (I met Ricardo yesterday evening upon arrival, and we have speaking very well the entire time here. He will be coming here with his wife and his 18 month year old son)

So all-in-all I am filled with impressions and tomorrow I am going home with my mind full of thoughts. This will be a decision that will change my life, and that makes it just as appealling as it is frightning. I want to say yes because of all the options it opens up and to the adventure. But as of now I hesitate since I am afraid of opportunity cost, what else can I achieve, and do I sell out, can I make more in another place? these thoughts I will be getting straight over the next couple of days. 

Mostly I am just looking to get home to my Anne, kissing her and assuring that I love her.

hugs from Doha

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